"A body in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion Unless Acted on by an Outside Force." Sir Isaac Newton
Don't be the force that keeps YOU still or the voice that keeps YOU silent. Challenge Everything!


Article: Death by Diet! 

Article: Shakegology - Shake that Wallet!

Article: Hydrogenated Killas!

Speak to Me: Taco Bell Question
  • http://dietchoices.com/diet-plans/taco-bell-diet/
  • http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/01/business/la-fi-taco-bell-20110201
  • http://www.alnyethelawyerguy.com/al_nye_the_lawyer_guy/2007/03/so_what_really_.html

Article: Organic vs Natural
  • http://www.cornucopia.org/2010/11/hexane-soy/
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soy_protein_isolate#Isolates