"A body in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion Unless Acted on by an Outside Force." Sir Isaac Newton
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Hydrogenated Killas!

Hydrogenated oils are bad m'kay.  They are made using hydrogen atoms!  Anything that requires a lab to manipulate it's ingredient really shouldn't be consumed, especially when one of those ingredients is known to cause health issues!  The food industries these days are getting rich off the addicting ingredients they feed their consumers and using product label manipulation to fool us into thinking their product is a-okay to eat! 

Hydrogenated oil is a process in which hydrogen gas is added to vegetable oil in the presence of a nickel catalyst.  This process forms trans-fatty acids in the hydrogenated oil.  Partially hydrogenated oils (most widely used) are things like margarine, shortening, and some cooking oils. Foods that are made with these oils are where we get trans fat in our diet.  There is also a form of full hydrogenated vegetable oil.  It's made by exposing the oil to hydrogen for a long time and create a hard waxy fat that has no trans fat and doesn't use the nickel catalyst… but its is still hydrogenated. It will show up as "vegetable shortening" in a list of ingredients.  There is NO type of hydrogenated oil that is worse than the other.  They are ALL bad!  

In 1980 it was discovered that trans fat found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils were linked to causing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, autism, food allergies, breast cancer and autoimmune disease. That's right- 1980, however it's still being used in over 90% of food produced.  That is just insane!  It's just not necessary to use partially hydrogenated oils anymore.. but take a peek in your cub bard, read the nutritional facts and see where you are surprised to find it!  Why on earth would the food manufacturers lobby for such a manipulation in labeling and why would the FDA go for it you ask?  There's a billion reasons… and they are all green!  Food processing companies and their patents on this process would lose massive amounts of money if they had to change their method of production.  

Food companies use hydrogenated oils as preservatives, lengthening the shelf life of their products.  This allows for massive production and shipping, less spoilage and returns.  They don't care about the long term effects of this unnatural preservative on the human body consumer… they just want to ride the green wave!  Yeah, it's killing consumers (YOU) but it's a slow death and their business won't suffer…the customer base is raising their children on the same toxic products, so the next generation customer continues where their obese, diabetic parent dies off.  Not convinced?  One of the largest food production companies today is Kraft Foods.  Did you know that Phillip Morris owns Kraft Foods?  That's right, the tobacco giant Phillip Morris!  Yeah.. think this is the most honest company out there?  Cigarettes don't kill people either do they?  Yeah… do your own research!  Learn the truth!  I mean, eat what you want.. but know what you're eating!  If you're a smoker, you know it's bad for you but you do it anyway!  Your food consumption shouldn't be any different! Make the conscious choice!   

In 2002, a massive letter writing campaign began to the FDA urging nutritional facts to acknowledge the presence of trans fat in products if not ban the use of partially hydrogenated oils all together.  January 1, 2006, the FDA made it mandatory that all food labels list the percentage of trans fat therein. As you can imagine, this royally pissed off the food corporation lobbiest. Their complaints, led to the FDA's "final" ruling allowed the nutritional facts to state "Trans Fat 0" on their labeling if the product has less than 1/2 a gram in each "serving size" (what the?? 0 isn't 0??).  So.. imagine your tiny package of processed snack food. You will probably eat that entire package even though it says 4 servings inside.  If there is just under 1/2 a gram of trans fat in each serving, that's two artery clogging, cancer causing grams in your body by the time that package is empty!  The lesson here is…don't be fooled by the "Trans Fat 0" label in the nutritional facts.  READ THE INGREDIENTS to be safe. If you see the word "hydrogenated" or "mono diglycerides (they are just hydrogenated oils with a different name)" Don't put it in your mouth yo! 

School boards have been forced buy petitions brought by the PTA to remove food containing hydrogenated oils from the hot lunch menus, and soda machines containing aspartame from over 200 schools nationwide!  If your school still allows hydrogenated oils, soda machines, or any other processed unnatural foods to your child, write to the board, attend meetings, let yourself be heard!  The only way to force change is to voice your concerns and fight for it!

So what oil is safe to use without killing yourself?  Unhydrogenated vegetable oils like olive, safflower, sunflower, and peanut oils.  They are all naturally occurring monounsaturated fats and are widely available. Flaxseed oil is a fantastic option and has actually been found to reduce tumors by 50%!  Applesauce, yogurt or tofu can be used to replace hydrogenated oils in baking!  Not only is it better for you than the oil but it's a tasty alternative that brings vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber into the recipe!  It's the little differences in your diet that can bring huge change in your life.  If there's a product out there made with this stuff that you just can't live without, look for an alternative!  For instance, Nutella is well loved in my home but is made with hydrogenated oils. However, only the American version is (what does that tell you??)!  The European version is not because Europeans demand change in their products.  You can import the European version and pay for it in green rather than your health.. or look for an organic alternative!  Most health food stores can find a healthy substitute for anything!  

Once you stop letting the FDA dictate to you how much toxic poison is acceptable and start believe that "0" means "0", you will find yourself with more energy, allowing you to possibly exercise more… less hunger, allowing your diet to actually work… and a heather natural weight loss!    

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