"A body in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion Unless Acted on by an Outside Force." Sir Isaac Newton
Don't be the force that keeps YOU still or the voice that keeps YOU silent. Challenge Everything!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Arms or Wings?

I've decided to add a section of P90X to my routine this week.  I've added the section that targets arms- specifically triceps.  I'm not real happy with the shape of my triceps at the moment.  They are flabby like wings and have always bugged me.  Luckily, SBF is doing P90X so I have the opportunity to join him!

Another "join" opportunity that happened recently is my ability to join SBF's gym!  He works out at Emerald City Athletic Club and has agreed to add me to his membership! This will allow me to do my cross train work outs on something other than the same ole glider twice a week.  Believe me when I say that the glider gets extremely boring. It would be nice to try out new equipment and..best of all...the gym has a pool and jacuzzi! Yeah.. that's right, I can soak after my work outs..ahh.. I can hardly wait!

I am excited to use the elliptical machine as my first cross train work out on Thursday and to have the opportunity to go to the gym for soaks whenever I feel like I need one.  Also, I can do work outs with SBF!  This Thursday,  it will be a 40 minute routine followed by the aforementioned soak.  Yeah..talk about a nice routine!  I am totally looking forward to it!

I can't believe I just said that I am looking forward to a work out! Ha!  So much has changed in my mentality toward exercise and fitness.  This machine of mine is getting a much needed tune up!  During my 5 mile walk today, I reflected on a moment, not too long ago, when I was exhausted after walking about a mile to have lunch with my daughter.  I have come so far since then!  I am proud of the accomplishments I have made so far and look forward to see how much more I can do!  I want this body to stick around for a while...and I don't mean sticking to the couch!  hehe.

I have to give a much deserved shout out to SBF for being my inspiration, encouragement and all around loving boyfriend!  Yes, the changes I've made I have done for myself and without his ever mentioning a need for it... however his mere presence and persistence in reaching his goals has been enough for me to want to change me.  Without a word, he has changed my life.

Coming up this week: Inspiring Hope Run on Saturday, followed by my 10K two Friday's after!  Then..who knows!  I will definitely incorporate some classes at my new gym, keep up my curves routine, get these wings of mine back to the shape of arms.. and get my walk on.. but what else?  Hmmm!

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