"A body in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion Unless Acted on by an Outside Force." Sir Isaac Newton
Don't be the force that keeps YOU still or the voice that keeps YOU silent. Challenge Everything!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Seafair 5K

Saturday was the Seafair 5k and oh what a day it was!  Me and SBF took the bus from Everett P&R to 7th & Spencer in Seattle.  That got us about a mile from Seattle Center.  SBF wore this sexy safari hat and short ensemble that made it look like we were in an urban safari..hunting a good time hehe

We got to Seattle Center where there was much going on for Seafair.  It was sort of like an expo on the spot surrounded by floats and festivities.  We had some samples, listened to some radio Disney tunes and got some real cool airplane hats to take back to the boys.  We also went on a zip line!  It wasn't huge or anything but it was my first time on a zip line and I had a blast!  I would do it again any chance I got!

After our day spent at the Seattle Center, the race began at 6:30pm.  I got off to a good start having ran down the first hill to the parade spectator area.  The streets were packed with fans!  It was quite an experience to be part of the action and be cheered by so many people!  There were kids looking for high fives everywhere.  I lead the pack of walkers most of the way and even found myself running down all the hills!  When I got to the Alaskan viaduct I was in my zone :)  I caught another walker looking back at the crowd behind.  I said to her, "that's right, we're not last!" she laughed and said, "I'm always last"  I said, "me too but not today!!"  We both grinned at that and kept on trucking...although I took the lead.  We came around onto Broad st and I just about died looking at the incredible hill that faced me.  It was gnarly and really unnecessary, but as I climbed it, I just kept thinking about my hours spent on the elliptical at top incline.  This hill has got nothing on a Precor cross train routine!  I climbed the hill in no time flat!  Seeing the finish line shortly after, I approached another unexpected hill up 2nd st.  This time, I ran up it almost the entire thing and on to the finish!  I was exhausted but felt golden and extremely accomplished in the moment.

After the race, I met SBF at our designated meet point.  He finished the 5k easily, carrying our safari pack (he's bad ass) and came back for me, but somehow we missed each other in the crowd.  He ended up making his way all the way back having done the 5k twice lol. When we hooked back up we went for free beers in the beer garden...ahh the taste of sweet success!  This was my first free race beer.. and it was divine!

Even though we walked around all day, then raced in a 5k of which I had my fastest time (52:57), we still had to walk back to the bus stop at 6th and Olive...another mile.  All in all, we ended up walking 8 miles yesterday!  When we got home we did P90X stretch to get some of the soreness out.  It worked mostly but my hip was bothering me pretty tough last night.  It's still bothering me today.

My plan was to do P90X legs & back today which I missed on Friday, but instead, I am going to listen to my beat up body and skip it.  So I missed one work out this week.. it's a good lesson in moderation for me.  I busted my ass this last week, burned a lot of calories.. and need my day of rest.

So, today, I spent my time doing laundry, shopping and preparing groceries for the week and cleaning up my house.  It was slow going but good for my sore legs and hip.  I'm hoping tomorrow I feel refreshed and ready to roll!  I will hit the elliptical at the college tomorrow followed by P90X core synergistics.  I'm beginning to like core even though I dreaded it at first.  If I feel up to it, I may throw legs and back in there too.  I need to do it!  I missed it last week and then this week too, not good for my schedule!

Next weekend is the Run for your Lives zombie run in Onalaksa.  I am TOTALLY STOKED for it!  It will be me, SBF and my mom taking down runners along a muddy obstacle course.  WOOHOO!  I'm thinking, if they let me run it after.. I'm going to!  I may run slow but I proved to myself yesterday that I can do it!  There's no stopping me lol

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I am feeling pretty defeated today.  This is the second day I've stayed home from work this week.  I used to miss at least two days each month due to being sick but it's been a few months since I've missed any at all, but it's still very depressing.  Before, I would miss days due to IBS and vomiting, weaknesses etc.  I contribute it to high blood sugars and poor diet.  Since my change in exercise and diet I've been feeling great so what the heck is going on these last two days?

I think that my blood sugar may be falling too low when I take my evening pills.  I've been waking up with seized muscles and the shakes during the night.  It's happened three times in the past two weeks.  This is not something I've ever experienced before!  I'm not snacking at night and only have my Shakeology as a usual snack. Shakeology has a great glycemic index.  I think that my prescription is based on a Ha1c level of 8 and not 5.6.  I should be checking my blood sugars better. Hmm guess I will get on that.

So, on top of the forced eating in the middle of the night just to control excessive medication-which makes me bloated and sick feeling in the morning, gives me headaches, on top of the low blood sugar situation sucking the life out of me- I haven't lost the 10 lbs I predicted during the last 8 week schedule.  I've lost about 5 lbs.  I have been burning mass calories, eating all healthy and doing everything right.  I've even been exceeding the workouts in my schedule to try and get those extra pounds off.  But no.. I'm losing it in a very slow and fluctuating way.  It's very depressing to realize that your best efforts are only making minimal difference...especially on days like today.

I was so excited to start a new routine in P90X today but now I can't even muster the energy to get out of bed and write this article.  The last two nights low blood sugar episodes have really taken their tole on me.  Yesterday I was able to make it to the gym for a 45 minute work out, then finished my hour with 15 minutes in the pool... and I did core synergistics during the day, but I had a headache the entire time and couldn't really get into it.  My heart rate was so high and my energy so low on the elliptical that I couldn't do my regular program, I just did a slow and steady quick start.

Then there's today... and I am beat.  Two nights in a row of waking up sick is more than anyone should have to endure.  I hate being diabetic.  I hate it and hate it until I hate it.  I'm cutting out the evening glyburide starting today.  Hopefully I am able to make it through the night tonight in tact and can wake up my normal energetic self. I plan to switch today's P90X schedule with tomorrow's.  Tomorrow is x stretch day.  I'm laying in bed all day- close enough.  Tomorrow I WILL wake up feeling good, I WILL go to the college gym and get my elliptical on at lunch, and I WILL do chest shoulders & triceps, then ab ripper 100 when I get home.

My son just came up to me and gave me a stone that will give me invisibility, make me grow a tail, and make me live forever.  Screw you diabetes!          

Thursday, July 12, 2012

gym's galore

I am now officially a member of three different gyms.  It's amazing how the needs in a gym can change while your energy level and exercise route gradually increase.  Just January I started going to Curves three times a week and now it's the least effective of my workouts.  I had been going to Curves for lunch during the week day...until now.

My latest gym join is at the Everett Community College right across the street from work.  It's closed to the public, they only let students and faculty in.  Thankfully, since we are a state agency, we are able to get in for the faculty rate.  This gym is brand new and pretty spectacular!  There is a rock wall, track, state of the art cardio equipment, one impressive weight lifting circuit, free weights and one pretty Basketball court!  There are even showers and locker rooms available.

Although the college gym is...so sweet, it's not Emerald City Athletic (gym #2).  ECA has a pool for one thing!  It also has a jacuzzi, steam room, sauna, and some pretty good equipment. It's a lot busier than the college but nothing feels better than a soak after a tough work out!  So, why join the college at all?  Easy.. location.  ECA is clear across town.  I would have to go there either before work (5:30am arrival time- choke!!) or take an additional 40 minutes at lunch for driving making my lunch hour around two hours.  Starting work at 7am and leaving at 5:30 each day is just not appealing to me at all!  So.. going to the college saves driving time.  My new work schedule will be 7-4 and I get a 45 minute work out in.  Now that's what I'm talking about!

When you look for a gym.. my advise, make location part of your decision!  Time is the most valuable asset we have!  Spending it in the most effective way should be a goal for everyone.  Curves is on the way home from work, the college is a 2 minute walk..but ECA is only $19/mo, cheaper than any other gym!  So, each place I'm a current member of has a purpose in my routine and budget.  Now, if I could get the college to add on a pool/jacuzzi/steam room.. the choice would be simple!  :)  Bottom line though, it doesn't matter where you burn the calories, only matters that you do!

I will likely continue to go to Curves on the way home when I can to boost my calorie burn, and I'm still doing P90X when I arrive on the days I have it scheduled.  P90X, although giving me much definition, is not a huge calorie burning routine.  So the extra 500 or so burn during lunch is really going to improve my weight loss.   I will still go to my ole ECA fav on Friday nights and the weekends and when time isn't limited by the stupid work thing!  hehe

I think that when my contract is up at Curves I will cancel it.  I'm only going there now because I'm paying for it but I can do the same circuit training I get there but with more weight so keeping up with my level at the college and ECA.  Curves was a great beginning and I recommend it to ANYONE who wants to really start a solid program and change their lives, but for me.. I just don't need it anymore.  It's a good feeling :)

I am now on week 4 of P90X.  I'm happy with my progress so far and have been enjoying the routines.  Its going to be exciting to start week 5 as there are new routines to try!  I've made it farther in the program than two guys I work with.  To me, that's saying something!  :)  I am committed to my goal.  This week I found out that my Ha1c has gone from 8 three months ago to 5.6.  That made me smile all night and all day today!  I'm normal.. normal!  It's a proven tested fact.. ha!  My resting heart rate has also improved going from around 87 to 79.  Wow!  My poor heart is finally getting a break and not having to work so hard when I'm doing nothing and my blood sugar levels will only get better as the weight comes off.  That outta add a few of the wrinkly years to my life!  :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Random tip

Adding Bob's Red Mill whey protein to Greek yogurt boosts the protein value by 16 grams and makes the yogurt less tart! My advice is to stir it in and let it sit for a second or two, then eat. It needs to dissolve or it's grainy. It takes a bit of getting used too, however, I find this to be a very satisfying snack! What do you think my peeps?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weekend Madness

Hello July!  Most would say that July is a sizzling time of year.  Spring ends, summer begins.. the season go round.  But.. for those of us that live in Seattle, our seasons are pretty grey all year.  This year is really no different.  We are experiencing a very rainy summer so far, but I'm good with it.  The heat make me feel sluggish.  I would take an overcast 65 degree day over an 80 degree one any time.  I suppose Seattle is the perfect place for me! :)

The moon this month is called the Thunder or Buck moon.  It's a time where nature gives bucks the beginnings of their horns.  It's called Thunder moon due to the increase in thunder storms in some places around this world of ours.  In Nassau for instance, the forecast calls for thunder almost all week long!  If I was going to endure heat, Nassau would be the place to do it.   White sandy beaches, clear waters, and warm rain.  My vacation there was one of the greatest times in my life.  Bring on the thunder storms and the Thunder moon!  It happens on July 3rd this month.. just before the holiday.  Mother nature is amazing!

The Thunder moon is a time where energy is best used to find and define meaning in your life.  It's a great time for dreamwork and all forms of divination are favored.  So, break out your dream powder if you got it and go to work!  What do you dream about?  Sandy beaches and Bahama thunder storms?  Watching your spawn grow and define themselves?  Perhaps defining meaning or value in your every day?  Whatever it is.. focus and achieve it!  You can do it!  Challenge makes us reach for more than what we are.  Questioning the norm is how we discover new things and how we evolve as a species.

Speaking of evolving.. I visited the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation last weekend.  I have to give a shout out to this organization and their plan to better the world.  It's amazing what we can do when we put our minds to something.  One world, one people- I love their message.  If you are ever in the Seattle area, this display is a must see!  It's located right across from the Seattle Center and is free for all!    

From last weekend, to the weekend leading into July was a great one for me!  The Seattle Big Wheel opened this weekend and me and SBF went for a ride.  I always really enjoy our outings in Seattle.  We walk along the pier, see what's new in Pike Place, and enjoy our time together with a smile.  The Big Wheel was a welcomed addition to our favorite past time.  I'm not sure there would be another occasion for riding the wheel but I'm glad we got be some of the first to check it out.

We also had the opportunity to support Seattle Firefighters while participating in an underwear run.  That's right.. underwear run!  Fireman, runners..underwear.  What could be better?  It was a great time for a good cause and a justified reason to run in skivvies in Seattle.  Although I didn't actually run, I held my usual role of support, pack mule and chauffeur for the event.  We ended up getting to the run about three hours early.  I'm not sure what happened there, but it gave SBF time to get his drink on and work up the nerve to remove his clothing hehe.  We even found $6 early bird parking whoop whoop!  So not entirely a bad thing to get to Seattle three hours ahead of schedule.

I'm hoping that the beginning of this month sets the tone for the days to come.  For 4th of July, my neighborhood goes firework crazy.  As a matter of fact, while I write this, there are fireworks going off outside my window.  I'm thinking I will take my kids up to the ice caves during the day Wednesday and make it back home in time for the local show.  I will also be spending some time making a cake for my Austin's birthday which is this month.  My baby is going to be 8!  We will be celebrating by throwing some bowling balls at helpless unsuspecting pins hehe.  This is due to happen next weekend which promises to be a busy one!  After my baby's birthday party, me and SBF are taking off to check out the King Tut exhibit at the Pacific Science Center followed by dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Toulouse Petite in Queen Anne.  I love date night! :)

Following date night weekend, we have another holiday coming up...Bastille day!  Bastille day is the celebration of the French storming Bastille prison and the uprising against Louis the 16th.  It was the beginning of the French revolution.  Last year the minions and I met up with my mom to walk along Pike Place (one of my fav things to do..see above lol) in celebration. We spent the day wandering and enjoying each other's company from the festivities at Seattle Center to the water front.  I'm not sure what the plan is for this year but any opportunity to celebrate is a good one!

The last weekend of the month is my next 5k race.  I will be walking in the Seafair 5k.  I have a soft spot in my heart for Seafair and am happy to be participating in it this year.  I grew up in a town that loved boat drags.  Hearing the sound of the boats skip across the water reminds me of home.  I have volunteered at Seafair in the past but walking along the parade route sounds great to me!  The walk will be in the evening, starting at six with a nice downtown route.  It looks like I will be doing this race alone (alone in a group of many), but I'm fine with it.  It's going to be a nice evening walk in downtown for a good cause.  Groovy.

July is going to be a month of exciting weekends!  The way summer is intended to be.  Now it's just a matter of making it through the pesky work week to get to each one.  Piece of cake :)

What are you doing this weekend??